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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology is affected by Personality

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: rrovetto@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 02:08:04 +0900
Message-id: <CADM4J9wsmmb_UpzT3mHEb_vXPRRtv42MvmqG8-SEkkgtzyz+oQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I don't see what the purported evidence is evidence of.

There is a difference between theories of reality and reality itself. That we can come up with different theories, and that those theories may be influence (or biased) by certain pyschological (or other) factors does not mean there is no universal ontology. (I say this with the understanding that "universal ontology" is in the philosophical sense, basically meaning that there is an objective (mind-independent) reality...and that it is knowable). Now why one would subscribe to a view questioning (or the stronger: denying) that there is a reality independent on minds, I cannot say. But in doing so (at least the stronger), they would negate science itself, and therefore their own mind.

As for natural kinds: by their very definition (or by the common philosophical understanding of them), they are delineations of a mind-independent reality, hence natural. The only change I would make to this would be to remind persons that minds are themselves parts of reality and hence natural.

To say beliefs steer (in a strong sense as in determine) perception is likely too strong; I would not take the articles cited too much to heart. The universe itself is dynamically changing, as in mind. One limitation of the entire knowledge representation (and related fields) is that snapshots are (perhaps presently necessarily) used to represent a dynamically changing world.


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On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Rich Cooper <rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is yet another anecdotal evidence atom that
the way we individually see the world biases our
interpretations of it:


Those of us who have been parents know how
effectively the generations are culturally


Mothers, according to the following article form a
deluded belief that their first child is shorter
than they are, and suddenly lose that delusion
when their second child is born:


With this much evidence, can we still consider
there to be a universal ontology of any natural
kind, at the top or the bottom of the lattice?

If beliefs (constructed during ontogeny, as a
slice of reality is encountered by an organism
with a slice of the human genome) steer both
perception and logic, then how could a logical
rendering of a snapshot of one person's experience
be anything but dynamically changing?


Rich Cooper
Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
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