On 12/11/13 7:20 AM, Matthew West wrote:
> On 12/11/13 3:15 AM, Matthew West wrote:
>> >Dear Kingsley,
>> >I would say "term of one or more words" where you have used "word".
>> >Regards
>> >Matthew
> Please provide an excerpt from the post to which your suggestion applies.
> [MW>] You wrote on Google Plus (link in your post below)
> The connection between "Words" and HTTP URIs (which are different kinds of
> identifiers) is often lost or overlooked when attempting to understand the
> principles outlined in +Tim Berners-Lee's original Linked Data meme. In this
> post, I am going express the essence of the meme using using "hyperlinked
> words" to aid comprehension.
Thanks! (01)
Changed to:
The connection between words, phrases, and HTTP URIs (which are all
different *kinds* of identifiers) is often lost or overlooked when
attempting to understand the principles outlined in Tim Berners-Lee's
original Linked Data meme. (02)
-- (03)
Regards, (04)
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen (05)
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