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Re: [ontolog-forum] Data, Silos, Interoperability, and Agility

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 19:42:25 -0400
Message-id: <523CDD61.3010309@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/20/13 7:06 PM, David Eddy wrote:
Kingsley -

On Sep 20, 2013, at 11:46 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

[1] http://www.slideshare.net/ncmarie/discovery-hub-an-exploratory-search-engine-on-the-top-of-dbpedia -- Discover Hub an Exploratory Search Engine built atop DBpedia. 

But that's not the problem legacy systems need solved.

It is an major part of the problem. That said, legacy systems need bridges to these contemporary tools.

Legacy systems do not contain public information.


Legacy systems may or may not be public. Likewise, as I've stated repeatedly, nothing about these tools implies public use. You can install DBpedia and other datasets in-house. You can even perform local cross references with entities denoted using HTTP URIs that depend on local area network scoped DNS servers.

One big here is is that "Web" has come to always mean "World Wide Web" when in reality the subject matter theme at core of my commentary and examples is one that all about making documents and data resources web-like i.e., the content of documents (files) can be web-like with specific emphasis on entity description representation.

 They contain corporate proprietary information.  The systems themselves are proprietary & the data in the systems is proprietary.

I'm interested in the systems (e.g. the actual software), NOT the data the systems produce & handle.

I have a small collection of 826 applications... how do I find what's related to what?

You decouple the applications from the data. Then you map the data to an entity relationship model graph (e.g., what RDF based Linked Data delivers when you leverage HTTP URIs and RDF model theory re., baking machine- and human-compreshensible semantics into entity and relation definitions) .

 How do I do provenance research in these days of elevated regulation & regulatory scrutiny?

For instance, you can make statements (i.e., express entity relationships) about said research using subject->predicate->object triple patterns using one of the many notations that exist today.

This collection—50,000 programs, 38,000 control cards, 62,000 DB2 columns, 31,000 DB2 tables, 59 other kinds of artifacts for a total of 1.7M artifacts—is behind the corporate firewall & my guess is very little of it has been webified.

"Web" != "World Wide Web" all the time. It can mean: making content web-like. The World Wide Web didn't invent hypermedia, it simply meshed it with the TCP/IP and DNS.

 I don't know specifically but I'd assume at least some of the data is accessible via internal & external web mechanism, but the SYSTEMS have not be webified.

The systems are accessible in some form. The challenge is what tools aid decoupling of application data from the application's orchestration code.

A GUI browser is a terrible access mechanism since none of the support staff has three arms.

Yes, in some cases. The command-line will be with use forever. In many cases (these days) I am a zillion times more productive going back to tools I used pre GUI explosion. BTW -- the World Wide Web is also showing the power of intentionality via browser address bars, utilities like curl, and URIs.

 Having to remove hands from the keyboard to mouse around immediately cuts productivity by 33%.

Yes, in a number of cases.

My guess would be that the suggestion of exposing this collection—particularly the relationships between artifacts—to "the web" would likely get me tossed off the roof.

Only if "Web" means "World Wide Web" :-)

 I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be given the time to explain that the objective is to use web mechanisms, BEHIND the company firewall... 

Remember... the value that I need here in tending & enhancing legacy systems is to quickly discover the relationships between artifacts...

First step is always decoupling the data from application code. Then map the data (via views) to an entity relationship model oriented graph comprised of domain entity types, relation types, and actual assertions that describe how entities are associated (related).


David Eddy
Babson Park, MA


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Kingsley Idehen	      
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