>Otto Selz developed his theory of *schematic anticipation* in the 1920s.
>Adriaan de Groot applied Selz's theories in his psychological studies of
chess players, which he published in _Thought and Choice in Chess_.
>Newell & Simon invited de Groot to spend a year at CMU, where he influenced
much of the AI work there: Ross Quillian cited Selz in his dissertation
_Semantic Memory_ (1966). Newell & Simon cited Selz in their book _Human
Problem Solving_ (1972). (01)
I guess when (rightly) mentioning Otto Selz (for schema[tic anticipation]),
one should also mention Richard Semon (for engram[matic association]). (02)
________ (03)
Lars Ludwig
www.artificialmemory.net (04)
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