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Re: [ontolog-forum] Amazon vs. IBM: Big Blue meets match in battle for t

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 11:28:57 -0400
Message-id: <51F14439.6050602@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 7/25/13 2:43 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
> As examples of cutting-edge applications, IBM Research developed
> the Deep Blue chess system, which beat the world champion.  More
> recently, they developed the Watson system for playing Jeopardy!,
> which beat the two top winners in that game.  They are now using
> the Watson system for medical informatics.    (01)

Watson used technology from the Semantic Web stack. The made extensive 
use of DBpedia and the Datasets across the Linked Open Data Cloud. 
Without DBpedia and the LOD cloud it wouldn't have worked. Likewise, 
without the fusion of NLP into the LOD and DBpedia datasets, it also 
wouldn't have worked.    (02)

Watson is an example of practical exploitation of technology from "the 
Semantic Web" stack.    (03)

> I realize that there are many intelligent people who work with the
> W3C.  But they don't have anywhere near the resources of the R & D
> centers at Google, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon.  When all five
> of those research centers fail to adopt the products of the DAML
> project for their R & D, that is an indication that they did not
> find them useful.
Google is using technology from "the Semantic Web" stack. Much more that 
is obvious to most. In my case, I also have log fingerprints assembled 
from years of their activities on our servers. Funnily enough, the RDF 
documents on these servers where constructed for Google crawlers to 
follow :-)    (04)

Microsoft is actively tracking and shadowing Google.    (05)

Apple can switch on Linked Data exploitation whenever they choose, since 
they've had advanced technology in this realm for years, and that 
predates Siri. They're  just a little too proprietary by nature, that's 
all. Their Linked Data variant is based on identifiers only resolve 
within Apple data spaces, the rest is old to them (see Core Data)  
dating back to NeXTStep and many other Apple projects.    (06)

Amazon is the only entity where I don't have any knowledge of that they 
are doing, but I do know that they recently employed people with 
Semantic Web technology stack skills.    (07)

--     (08)

Regards,    (09)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen    (010)

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