Hi Doug, what is PersonZ all about? thanks (01)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of doug foxvog
>Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:23 AM
>To: [ontolog-forum]
>Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Grover Models
>On Tue, May 21, 2013 22:09, jmcclure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Is it actually wrong to model with prepositions, or is it just not a
>> recommended practice?
>So long as the terms are defined, then their names only matter so
>far as how confusing they are. Prepositions are extremely general,
>so are quite confusing. Their use as predicates is thus strongly
>recommended against.
>> For the "X is-sister-of Y" relation here is a graph
>> (the syntax [[resource-name]] connotes a wiki link, that is,
>a pagename in
>> the wiki or a subobject of a page in the wiki). Below I'm
>keen to easily
>> resolve both 'has' and "is-a" Sister kind of queries.
>The intended semantics below comes from far more than what is
>stated above. The below seems self-inconsistent and inconsistent
>with the above paragraph, but since you ask below how this could
>be translated into another language, i will translate my guesses of
>what is intended into Cyc.
>> [[Person:X]] has [[Sister:Person:Y]]
>(and (isa PersonX Person) (isa PersonY Person) (sisterOf
>PersonX PersonY))
>> [[Person:Y]] has [[Sister:Person:X]]
>(and (isa PersonY Person) (isa Person Person) (sisterOf
>PersonY PersonX))
>> [[Person:X]] of [[Type:Sister:XY]]
>(and (isa PersonX Person) (isa SisterXY Sisterhood)
> (groupMembers SisterXY PersonX))
>> [[Person:Y]] of [[Type:Sister:XY]]
>(and (isa PersonY Person) (isa SisterXY Sisterhood)
> (groupMembers SisterXY PersonY))
>> [[Sister:Person:X]] of [[Type:Sister:XY]]
>(and (isa PersonX Person) (isa PersonZ Person) (sisterOf
>PersonX PersonZ)
> (isa SisterXY Sisterhood)(groupMembers SisterXY PersonZ))
>> [[Sister:Person:Y]] of [[Type:Sister:XY]]Z
>(and (isa PersonY Person) (isa PersonZ Person) (sisterOf
>PersonY PersonZ)
> (isa SisterXY Sisterhood)(groupMembers SisterXY PersonZ))
>> [[Sister:Person:X]] for [[Person:X]]
>(and (isa PersonX Person) (isa PersonZ Person) (sisterOf
>PersonX PersonZ)
> (sisterOf PersonX PersonZ))
>> [[Sister:Person:Y]] for [[Person:Y]]
>(and (isa PersonY Person) (isa PersonZ Person) (sisterOf
>PersonY PersonZ)
> (sisterOf PersonY PersonZ))
>> [[Type:Sister:XY]] of [[Type:Sister]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (isa SisterXY Sisterhood))
>> [[Type:Sister:XY]] has [[Instance:Sister:XY]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (isa SisterXY Sisterhood)
> (genls Sisterhood Individual))
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] of [[Type:Sister:XY]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (genls Sisterhood Individual)
> (isa SisterXY Sisterhood))
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] for [[Person:X]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (genls Sisterhood Individual)
> (groupMembers SisterXY PersonY) (isa PersonY Person))
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] for [[Person:Y]]
>> ...describing the Sister(hood) instance further:
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] in [[Category:Legal]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (genls Sisterhood Individual)
> (legalCategory SisterXY LegallyDefinedRelationship))
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] in [[Year:1953]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (genls Sisterhood Individual)
> (startingDate SisterXY (YearFn 1953)))
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] on [[Day:12-01]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (genls Sisterhood Individual)
> (implies (startingDate SisterXY (YearFn ?YEAR))
> (startingDate SisterXY
> (DayFn 1 (MonthFn December (YearFn ?YEAR))))))
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] by [[Adoption:Person:Y]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (isa AdoptionPersonY Adoption)
> (personAdopted AdoptionPersonY PersonY) (isa PersonY Person)
> (causitiveEvent SisterXY AdoptionPersonY))
>> [[Instance:Sister:XY]] until [[Death:Person:Y]]
>(and (isa SisterXY Sisterhood) (genls Sisterhood Individual)
> (cotemporalEvents (EndFn SisterXY) (DeathFn PersonY)
> (isa PersonY Person))
>> ...describing Type:Sister(hood) further:
>> [[Type:Sister]] of [[Type:RelationshipStatus]]
>(isa Sisterhood Relationship)
>> [[Type:Sister]] in [[Category:Human]]
>(isa Sisterhood RelationshipBetweenHumans)
>> [[Type:Sister]] in [[Category:Familial]]
>(isa Sisterhood FamilialRelationship)
>> [[Type:Sister]] in [[Category:Symmetric]]
>(isa Sisterhood SymmetricStatus)
>> Any takers how other ontologies would express the information above?
>> Thanks - jmc
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