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Re: [ontolog-forum] Self Interest Ontology

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: William Frank <williamf.frank@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 10:12:47 -0400
Message-id: <CALuUwtDKEedgrJBPM+src8eiZeuXDTG8X28zBC3NMVq0BgX8fA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
For example,

I had a neighbor in north Florida who ran the biggest window washing firm in the South.  He said his most important business friend was OSHA.  He said his cleaning services interest group continuously lobbied OSHA to  make the safety rules increasingly strict and complex.   He said that his lobbying group even had its OWN "safety inspectors," who went around to companies looking for "violations", (i.e., small businesses and sole proprietorships providing cleaing services to business), and that this group then reported these violations to OSHA.   He said, he offered window cleaning at $65 per hour. His Cuban cleaners cost hiim $20, all in.   He said Cubans were alway going to around to small and medium businessses and saying, they would clean windows for $35.   But, they did not know how to fill out all the OSHA forms, that he had a team of specialists to do, nor even make sure that all the regulations were complied with.  He was very proud of himself.
On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 9:49 AM, John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 5/28/2012 8:30 AM, Mike Pool wrote:
> He also summarily lumps Hayek in the same paragraph with __Rand__.  That
> is also a surprise to me.  Too bad the article is so short.  I would
> like to have understood his objection to Hayek as well.

Chomsky's primary objection to them is the same as anybody else in the
middle class:  self interest.

Anybody who has a small business knows that the biggest enemy of small
business is *not* the government.  It's big business.  The regulations
that hurt small business were *not* written by government, they were
written by lobbyists for big business who want to stamp out the competition.

Don't think of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany as governments.  They were
oligarchies run by big bussinesses that stamp out all competition.  Note
that they achieved the goal of all corporations -- give the stockholdera
as little information as possible about what management is doing.

That's the primary blindness in Rand and Hayek -- also Ron Paul, who
blindly admires both.

In comparison to Ron Paul, I am a *true* Libertarian.  I want freedom
from big corporations who stick their hand in my wallet and my personal
life at every turn.


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