Rich Cooper
Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
John Sowa wrote:
With his famous papers of 1905, Einstein destroyed
assumptions: his paper on Brownian motion showed
that atoms
and molecules could be observed by their effects on
tiny particles
that could be seen through a microscope. His two
papers about
relativity and photons assumed unobservable principles
entities that violated all of Mach's rules about how
should be formulated.
But having invented relativity as a stop
gap and limited solution, he missed the full, real one - subjectivity. As
the SUO group helped me decide, reality isn't the issue, it’s the observer's
subjectivity that limits her observations.
If any one of us (even Einstein) experienced
riding on a beam of light, or falling free in an elevator (even in our
imaginations), we would have had similar responses to Albert's.
AE just made a simple category error
because he didn't have all the information available that we do now. Subjectivity,
specialized, leads to relativity.