Ali, (01)
> My point (and the one I think Paolo was making) is that while the physical
> relationship between your desk and computer is independent of logic, your
> account of the fact that your desk and computer are in said relation appeals
> to some form of, if not logic, then coherency. (02)
yes I intended that, but also something else
this is what I mean (03)
1. that the computer on the desk is a spatial relationship caused by
the function. I dont know how to call this, but I would call it
'logical', as opposed to the computer being place under the table or
in a waterfountain. but maybe there is a better way of defining this
inherent, implied relationship between two things . (04)
2, as you point above, logic is a way of representing, expressing,
communicating, capturing the relationship, which can be done using
different formalism (05)
and yes, natural language is a formalism (in reply to PH) (06)
# [noun] A formalism is a means to represent the rules used in the
establishment of a models of linguistic knowledge. (07)
# mathematics, philosophy of There are a few different versions of
formalism. Perhaps the simplest and most straightforward is
metamathematical ... (08)
and yes, category theory relies on logic (but is contrasted to set theory) (09)
PDM (010)
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