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Re: [ontolog-forum] Start thinking about the 2008 Ontology Summit

To: ray@xxxxxxxx, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 17:17:00 -0500
Message-id: <476C3B5C.8000300@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Unfortunately, I will be traveling on Jan 3 and won't be able to
participate in the conference call.    (01)

But one point I'd like to make is that we should emphasize the
availability of Common Logic as an ISO standard and its potential
to serve as an upward compatible superset of many current notations.    (02)

In particular, the CL semantics is already a superset of the semantics
of RDF(S), OWL, and many other languages of the Semantic Web.  CL
is also web enabled in its support of URIs, and it has an XML-based
notation called XCL.  That means that anything represented in the
current Semantic Web languages can be automatically translated to CL,
and the tools can developed as upward compatible extensions to the
current systems.  An important advantage is that XCL notation is more
concise and readable than RDF notation, even for the same data.    (03)

Furthermore, CL can support arbitrary n-tuples.  That makes it possible
to download an arbitrary relational database into CL without the need
to create special reified nodes.  Therefore, a relational DB mapped
to CL can then be mapped back to exactly the same collection of
relations.  Furthermore, CL can also represent the rules of rule-based
languages or the database queries and constraints of Datalog.    (04)

XCL also has a one-to-one mapping to and from the CLIF and CGIF
dialects, which are even more concise and readable because they don't
require all the angle brackets.  Therefore, CLIF and CGIF can be
used as easily readable and typable notations for the data from
either RDF triples or SQL n-tuples. (For those triples and n-tuples,
CLIF and CGIF notations are identical.)    (05)

In summary, I would recommend that the NIST conference devote some
sessions to using CL for future extensions to the Semantic Web and
for interchange with other systems, such as relational databases
and object-oriented databases.    (06)

John Sowa    (07)

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