aarsic@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I"m thinking of you so I wouldn't be surprised if you called :-)
> No, this works for me for people that I feel strong ties and connections or
>emotions with, not everyone in the world! It is not scientific, but John and
>Karen were able to clarify where this might not or does not fit within quantum
>mechanics, which is what I was asking about in the first place.
> On this part: In particular, it seems to me that you would
>> need to do some sort of study in which, every time you think of
>> someone, you document it. Then, if the person in question doesn't
>> call, you need find some way of determining that he or she was also
>> thinking of you at the same time. How you'd do that without spoiling
>> the data seems to me frankly impossible. (Call this the "Don't think
>> of a white elephant" problem for your claims. :-)
> Not only spoiling data, but spoiling the experience, so I'm not interested in
>being the discoverer of this phenomenon scientifically speaking, but in
>reading about it. It's more of a curiosity and let's say a phenomenon of mine,
>not something I put my belief in (I have religion for that).
> You really want the ridiculous - if I dream of a tornado and we get one
>(after the dream) my mother thinks I caused it! Talk about preposterous. (01)
Jung talked about synchronicity ... (02)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity (03)
which related acausal events, but described both collective unconscious
and objective reality ... (04)
Different scenario. Musicians in a band. (I'm a guitar player) Let's
call them, The Police. The situation is not acausal, but the experience
implies collective unconscious (propinquity) and objective reality. (05)
BTW - I don't think they got it quite right with the album ... (06)
Science is a work in progress and while I'm at Tucson VIII, I'll spend
some time at the conference and, if I'm lucky, some other time with the
Pasqua-Yaquis. (07)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Separate_Reality (08)
Pat H.: Stuart Hameroff was asking for you a few weeks ago. He recalled
a debate from the mid 90s, that ended in an arcane Frank Zappa. (09)
> --
> Have a Good Day!
> Antoinette Arsic
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Christopher Menzel <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx>
>> On Dec 10, 2007, at 5:19 AM, aarsic@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> No, I don't agree with that. I don't get calls from people who are
>>> furthest from my mind.
>> What's your phone number? I'll bet I can falsify that claim. :-)
>>> And I strongly think of people often and would like them to call and
>>> they don't, and I get frustrated enough to let it go, only to find
>>> out a month or two later that they were thinking of me and had
>>> written notes to call me but didn't.
>> You have verified this in every case, or even in a non-trivial
>> percentage of cases, where you've "strongly thought" of someone?
>> Sorry, I find that utterly preposterous.
>>> There is something there that I can't explain, and if science can't
>>> explain it then science just hasn't gotten there yet. But I know the
>>> energies that I experience with others.
>> Well, I obviously can't deny that you *experience* something, but
>> until you can come up with some reasonably hard data rather than
>> feelings and anecdotes, I don't think you've got any real
>> justification for your belief that there's anything more than
>> coincidence involved. In particular, it seems to me that you would
>> need to do some sort of study in which, every time you think of
>> someone, you document it. Then, if the person in question doesn't
>> call, you need find some way of determining that he or she was also
>> thinking of you at the same time. How you'd do that without spoiling
>> the data seems to me frankly impossible. (Call this the "Don't think
>> of a white elephant" problem for your claims. :-)
>> -chris
>> (010)
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