I"m thinking of you so I wouldn't be surprised if you called :-) (01)
No, this works for me for people that I feel strong ties and connections or
emotions with, not everyone in the world! It is not scientific, but John and
Karen were able to clarify where this might not or does not fit within quantum
mechanics, which is what I was asking about in the first place. (02)
On this part: In particular, it seems to me that you would
> need to do some sort of study in which, every time you think of
> someone, you document it. Then, if the person in question doesn't
> call, you need find some way of determining that he or she was also
> thinking of you at the same time. How you'd do that without spoiling
> the data seems to me frankly impossible. (Call this the "Don't think
> of a white elephant" problem for your claims. :-) (03)
Not only spoiling data, but spoiling the experience, so I'm not interested in
being the discoverer of this phenomenon scientifically speaking, but in reading
about it. It's more of a curiosity and let's say a phenomenon of mine, not
something I put my belief in (I have religion for that). (04)
You really want the ridiculous - if I dream of a tornado and we get one (after
the dream) my mother thinks I caused it! Talk about preposterous. (05)
Have a Good Day!
Antoinette Arsic (06)
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Christopher Menzel <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx>
> On Dec 10, 2007, at 5:19 AM, aarsic@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > No, I don't agree with that. I don't get calls from people who are
> > furthest from my mind.
> What's your phone number? I'll bet I can falsify that claim. :-)
> > And I strongly think of people often and would like them to call and
> > they don't, and I get frustrated enough to let it go, only to find
> > out a month or two later that they were thinking of me and had
> > written notes to call me but didn't.
> You have verified this in every case, or even in a non-trivial
> percentage of cases, where you've "strongly thought" of someone?
> Sorry, I find that utterly preposterous.
> > There is something there that I can't explain, and if science can't
> > explain it then science just hasn't gotten there yet. But I know the
> > energies that I experience with others.
> Well, I obviously can't deny that you *experience* something, but
> until you can come up with some reasonably hard data rather than
> feelings and anecdotes, I don't think you've got any real
> justification for your belief that there's anything more than
> coincidence involved. In particular, it seems to me that you would
> need to do some sort of study in which, every time you think of
> someone, you document it. Then, if the person in question doesn't
> call, you need find some way of determining that he or she was also
> thinking of you at the same time. How you'd do that without spoiling
> the data seems to me frankly impossible. (Call this the "Don't think
> of a white elephant" problem for your claims. :-)
> -chris
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