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Re: [ontolog-forum] [LIKELY_SPAM]Re: brainwaves (WAS: to concept or not

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 14:11:35 +0700
Message-id: <c09b00eb0712092311u1f840569r7461c3f471d9ce31@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Kathrin

Pat did NOT say we can choose our science to justify our views of the
world!  Quite the contrary. He said there are several different
observationally equivalent interpretations of quantum theory. That is
a very different thing.

No,  he  did not say that. I did. He said:

>>>You choose your favorite scientific mythology at this point.

to which I reply, that you (we) choose your favourite scientific method to start with anyway -

 I was referring to 'falsifiability' as regard by some as an essential requirement for an experiment to be scientifically valid, and as totally absurd by others, especially in the light of quantum theory, where the same conditions are likely never to be repeatable in an experiment. I am interested opinions on falsifiability btw -

The empirical predictions of quantum theory have, as Pat pointed out,
been confirmed to extremely high precision.   Any theory that does
*not* make identical predictions for experiments conducted to date
would not qualify as science.

 - 'what about if the latter predictions are not identical because the conditions of the experiments are not identical when repeated, the chances of which are very likely when you consider reality in its subatomic complexity?

Each scientist loves her favorite
story, and tries to devise experiments that would support it and
knock holes in the others.

thats exactly and solely what I meant with my statement
 Eventually, someone comes up with a story
-- and math to go with it -- that agrees with the well-validated
experimental evidence and predicts things the other stories don't.

yes, and someone comes up with a story and matsh that disagrees with the expertimental evidence, haven't you noticed?

That's real progress.  We are not there yet with quantum theory, but
it's not for want of trying.  Nevertheless, it has been less than a
century -- so perhaps it's just a matter of time.

we got all the time in the world (.mid)

regarding the maths, well, as I learn on this list (thanks )  it is only a formalism to express the logic - so its ' quantum logic' that is exciting and challenging to me




At 8:45 AM +0100 12/9/07, Wacek Kusnierczyk wrote:
>Christopher Menzel wrote:
>>  On Dec 7, 2007, at 6:59 AM, paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>  ...
>>>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transactional_interpretation
>>>  In this account, there is no 'collapse', so its a hard stretch to
>>>  posit that consciousness causes or results from it.
>>>  luckily we can all have our favourite choice of science to justify
>>>  our views of the world
>>  So, let's see, we have our worldview and then we choose the science
>>  that fits.  Great!  I choose Young Earth Creationism.  Man, that was
>>  easy!
>provided that YEC is science...
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Paola Di Maio
School of IT

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