paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Barry,
> Today I read some interesting advances coming up from the Neuromath
> Workshop, where they have managed, according to the proceedings, to
> control a mechanic device using solely brain impulses via electrodes
> linked to the device
> I dug up an old post of yours. (At the time it felt like a sarcastic
> question
> Today I feel we have moved on)
> On Jun 16, 2007 1:40 AM, Smith, Barry <phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> Suppose you want to create an ontology of, say, vegetables. And you
> place your electrode in the brains of vegetable specialists and
> successfully infer an ontology of vegetables from the signals in
> their brains. Would the result be an ontology of vegetables or an
> ontology of brain signals?
> BS
> I think I have the answer now. From an experiment as above, I would
> derive two ontologies, one for the brainwaves (an ontology for the
> observation mechanism) and one for the vegetables (the object observed)
> I would then compare the two with ontologies derived using different
> methods to compare them.
> I would probably also throw in another test: matching the two
> ontologies (brainwaves and vegetables) looking for patterns of similarity.
> (01)
Agree, the debate moved on and I proposed an ontology in OWL-DL based on
Pierce's "On a New List of Categories." (02)
Ironic that much of Pierce's published work appeared in "The Monist."
I've made some revisions since the first time it was proposed and look
forward to any comments. You can find that ontology here: (03) (04)
Also as a reminder, the ontology itself has been offered as open
knowledge, meaning other folks can contribute as it is a work in progress. (05)
BTW - I will be attending Tucson VIII (aka. "Towards A Science of
Consciousness") this year. If anyone else is going, you'll find me
tracing the footsteps of Carlos Casteneda and Don Juan Matos ;-) (06)
> --
> Paola Di Maio
> School of IT
> <>
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