If we pretend talking ontologies here, then there must be some general
knowing of the taxonomy of natural languages.
Finnish, or Suomi, is not a Nordic language, but it comes from the
Baltic-Finnic, descending from Uralic-Altaic, the indigenous languages of
Russia. Nordic, or Scandinavian, or Norse, or North Germanic language comes
from Indo-European language and covers Icelandic, Swedish, Norwegean,
Dannish, plus Faroese.
ASHA (01)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Waclaw Kusnierczyk" <Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] notes and rumours (02)
> Duane Nickull wrote:
>> On 7/3/07 9:52 AM, "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Linguists have never been able to give a precise definition of the
>>> difference between a language and a dialect. The three Scandinavian
>>> languages -- Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian -- are mutually more
>>> intelligible than the major Chinese dialects. The best definition
>>> I've heard is "A language is a dialect with an army."
>> You don't consider "Finnish" to be a Scandanavian language? They may not
>> have a large army but they have a damn good ice hockey team.
> Duane,
> Finnish is a Nordic language, but not a Scandinavian one. To those Pat
> mentioned you may also add Icelandic. Indeed the three Scandinavian
> languages are mutually intelligible -- knowing Norwegian, I can
> understand what Swedes say, and read what Danes write. No one, I think,
> is able to understand what Danes say without much previous learning.
> Finnish is completely different. It is perhaps one of the most
> difficult European languages to learn (unless you already know, e.g.,
> Estonian).
> vQ
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