John F. Sowa wrote:
> Whenever you find an article in a popular magazine or newspaper,
> you can often find more technical articles on the same topic
> by typing in the names of any researchers who are mentioned.
> In this case, I got 887 hits from Google when I typed "Jay Neitz"
> (including the quotes) and another 716 for "Gabriele Jordan".
> Many of them are relevant. (01)
John, thanks. I had a (hopefully temporary) name-blindness.
And I was hoping for a precompiled list, to avoid googling... (02)
> vQ> one remark: cones do not distinguish colors.
> That is technically correct, since it is the brain that
> distinguishes colors by processing the responses from
> the cones that contain the appropriate photopigments.
> On the other hand, the cones are part of the means by
> which the discrimination is carried out. And in English,
> it is permissible to put the instrument in subject position
> when the agent is not mentioned. So technically, my lapse
> was not serious. In any case, I apologize. (03)
Did not mean the lapse was serious. We use all sorts of tricks and
shorthands in natural language, which taken strictly lead to wrong or
nonsense expressions. (04)
The issue here is that you need at least two cones with different
spectral sensitivities; an L-cone, for example, won't tell the
difference between a weak yellow light and an intense red light. (05)
vQ (06)
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