Dear Waclaw, (01)
I hereby promise that I will in no future communication with you use the
expression 'degrees of truth'; and I will try to remember to avoid it
always when I talk with logicians. I can say everything that I want to
say without using this very expression. In retrospect, it was quite a
mishap that I used it. But it came naturally to my mind. Communication
is falllible, but it can be improved on - as our discussion shows. (02)
Excuse "the tagging" then, but you (and some others on this list) are
rather frank, too. (03)
all the very best,
Ingvar (04)
Waclaw Kusnierczyk schrieb:
> Ingvar Johansson wrote:
>>> It appears to me that, according to that article, Popper's truthlikeness
>>> is, as you say, an approximation to truth. However, there is no word
>>> about degrees of truth, and indeed, every theory is either true or
>>> false. (Simply true or simply false, if you prefer.)
>> In its very first paragraph, this article uses the expression 'degree of
>> truthlikeness', and I thought that I had managed to make it clear in our
>> discussion that my use of 'degrees of truth' means the same. With
>> respect to the term 'truth', excuse me, you look to me like a
>> hard-headed language purist.
> Nice to be tagged.
> This is not an issue of language purity, but of having the goal of
> referential transparency. It is not difficult to get stunned by
> someone's objection to 'degrees of truth' if one uses the terms 'truth'
> and 'truthlikeness' with different meanings, but the terms 'degrees of
> truth' and 'degrees of truthlikeness' with identical meanings. And your
> treatment of the terms was not so clear (to my constrained mind) from
> your first posts on this topic.
> vQ
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