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Re: [ontolog-forum] {Disarmed} Reality and Truth

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Ingvar Johansson <ingvar.johansson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 12:05:00 +0200
Message-id: <4645914C.7040204@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
John F. Sowa schrieb:
> Ingvar,
>       (01)

I have no qualms about anything you say below.    (02)

Ingvar    (03)

> I'm happy to accept the following position:
> IJ> 'Truthlikeness' is introduced as a notion *beside*
>  > the bipolar notion of 'true-false' used in everyday
>  > life and in two-valued logic. I have by no means claimed
>  > that the introduction of 'truthlikeness' implies that
>  > two-valued logic has to be replaced by many-valued logic.
> But I also believe that Peirce's notion of truth is useful
> to describe the ultimate goal that scientists are seeking,
> but may never attain:
> IJ> The notion of 'truthlikeness' is needed in order to make
>  > sense of the history of science and to get a reasonable view
>  > of the future of science.
> I believe that Peirce was influenced by the mathematical
> treatment of infinite series.  For example, the following sum
>     1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + ...
> converges to the limit 2.  However, any finite sum of terms
> is less than 2 by some small amount.
> For this series, I would say that the truth is "2", and
> that any finite sum is more and more "truthlike" as more
> terms are added.
> Although this particular series happens to have a very
> compact statement of the "exact truth", namely "2",
> many series, such as those that converge on an irrational
> number such as pi, have no exact statement of the "true
> value".  But we can approximate it as closely as we like.
> This example illustrates a useful way of interpreting both
> words 'truth' and 'truthlikeness':
>   - Truth, in Peirce's sense, is a precise goal, which might
>     be beyond our ability to discover or even to describe in
>     a finite string of symbols.
>   - Truthlikeness, in Popper's sense, has a range of values,
>     each of which can be stated in a finite number of symbols.
>     It's possible that one of those statements might happen
>     to be a precise description of the absolute truth, but we
>     might never be able to know whether it is the final answer.
> Neither of these two senses is identical to the common meaning
> of the word 'truth', but the distinction is useful for clarifying
> certain debates, such as this thread.
> John
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Ingvar Johansson
IFOMIS, Saarland University
     home site: http://ifomis.org/
     personal home site:
     http://hem.passagen.se/ijohansson/index.html      (05)

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