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Re: [oor-forum] OOR-Presentation on 2008.04.29 - slide deck ready for re

To: "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: John Graybeal <graybeal@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:29:13 -0700
Message-id: <p06240804c4353b604062@[]>
Fast comments, since if I wait for well-thought-out comments I may never get 
there. Hope it's useful.    (01)

- How much time are slides to fit into again?
- A little more glue (organization into an architectural/developmental 
sequence) is needed
  - how do the various presented topics relate to each other? some are 
components or contributions to the whole
  - present more sophisticated concepts, like those of M Mehrotra, later, after 
basic requirements
- Which slides are presented on collective OOR's behalf, and which on an 
individual's or organization's behalf, needs to be clear (If we all agree on 
the roadmap, for example, that's good to know)
- Nowhere mentioned: As people keep more of their data in ontologies, will this 
be meant for those too?
- R&D is often mentioned, but that's implicitly about ontological R&D? whereas 
OOR would also support end user science R&D
- 3, and 7 and onward: existing instances should come later, after goals and 
all that
- 16: not clear how CIM3 is meant to fit into this overall presentation (ie., 
is this promotional?) -- address explicitly
-19: this is most important slide, IMHO, followed closely by 6 (but 6 should 
come first!)
- 25: vision should go toward beginning
- 33: references non-existent "Rationale" on previous slide
- 48: URLs are too long, ooregistry or oorepository or ... better
- 51: Strawman mentions XMDR -- why not bioportal? ebXML? or others?    (02)

John    (03)

At 10:14 AM -0700 4/23/08, Peter Yim wrote:
>Further to our earlier discussion (ref.
>), Leo, Mike and I have finally put together a draft deck of slides,
>on behalf of the OOR-Team, for presentation on 4/29 afternoon (agenda
>1. thanks to the support by various members of the community who have
>volunteered/agreed to help present this, we have are going to have
>Leo, Bruce, Keb, Evan and Mike to present the five sub-sections of the
>presentation which the group outlined earlier. (Regretfully, we
>weren't able to feature everyone who had volunteered to present, but
>had to select our presenters based on their familiarity and earlier
>contribution to the sub-topic. Our appreciations to all who have
>volunteered, indeed.)
>2. the draft presentation is now available at:
>3. Kindly review the slides and provide feedback within today (by
>responding to this thread), so that we can have a next iteration ready
>for tomorrow's final sync-up meeting
>(http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2008_04_24 ).
>... In particular, the presenters are invited to tweak their own
>sections to suit their individual style, preference, etc. That said,
>though, the overall goal is still for us, to collectively forge
>together a presentation that can tell the story of the "OOR
>Initiative" as a whole.
>Thanks & regards.  =ppy
>  Mike Dean
>  Leo Obrst
>  Peter Yim
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John Graybeal   <mailto:graybeal@xxxxxxxxx>  -- 831-775-1956
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org  
Shore Side Data System: http://www.mbari.org/ssds    (05)

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