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Re: [ontology-summit] [ReusableContent] Partitioning the problem

To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Mike Bennett <mbennett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 14:35:20 +0000
Message-id: <52F24C28.8060604@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Kingsley,

This is precisely the sort of insight I was looking for when considering how the requirements and approaches for ontology re-use might differ between the worlds of semantic tech applications, linked data and big data. Horses for courses is exactly right :)

I also just realized I made a mistake - I was confusing owl:sameAs with owl:equivalentClass. Sorry about that.

So... (responses interleaved)

On 02/02/2014 21:40, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 2/2/14 10:11 AM, Mike Bennett wrote:
The problem with using owl:sameAs is that you have immediately changed the nature of your model: from a model of concepts to a model of words. That is, from an ontology to a vocabulary.


When you put Linked Data in the mix its about terms rather than words i.e., terms being words that have the duality of denotation and reference baked in. Thus, you can use owl:sameAs to express coreference in ABox oriented statements about entities.

I find the term "term" a little slippery in its many applications. Presumably then in Linked Data "term" refers to a label (with a URI) that denotes an individual in the world or a fact about that individual? Or does it also refer to TBox assertions about a class of possible individuals? Elsewhere we tend to use the word "term" in the latter sense almost exclusively.

So, what does the duality of denotation and reference mean when it comes to re-using existing ontologies? Are OWL ontologies which have been optimized for reasoning applications, more or less useful as a point of reference for linked data? For instance do you find that those ontologies end up with fewer assertions that can be linked directly to some ABox term?

For TBox or RBox oriented descriptive statements (for entity types and relation types, respectively) you have owl:equivalentClass and owl:equivalentProperty, respectively.

Right - I was thinking of owl:equivalentClass. There's good reason to use this when asserting that a class in one OWL ontology represents the same concept as one in someone else's OWL ontology (though you end up bringing in the assertions from that other ontology so you'd better be sure it really is the same concept!). What I was resisting was the tendency to use OWL to make what appear to be TBox assertions about the existence of a class, where that class is tied to one natural language word, and another class is tied to another natural word in the same ontology which is synonymous, and the synonymy is dealt with using an assertion that the two classes mean the same thing (have the same extension). When is that a useful thing to do and when is it the wrong thing to do?

I can see for example that if one were doing text extraction from a corpus of unstructured data, it would be useful to have an ontology which defines all the words individually with equivalent class assertions, whereas if one wanted to reason over concepts (for example, to calculate financial exposures across financial instruments and counterparty hierarchies) then you really would not want to do that.

When you are choosing an ontology to refer to in a linked data resource, what sort of things do you look for? What makes one ontology more useful to reference for Linked Data compared to another? Do these questions even matter?

Horses for courses - so, what would it take to put some useful language around the parameters of those courses and how to pick the right horse? That would move things along from the "A is right!" "No, B is right therefore A is wrong!" type of conversations that we sometimes see.

Best regards,


As long as it's clear which one of those you are doing, that's fine. But I find an ontology of concepts to be far more useful than a vocabulary of words.

Horse for courses :-)

The only place I would use owl:sameAs is when mapping between ontologies that have concepts with the same meanings.

See comment above.

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