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Re: [ontology-summit] INCOSE Ontology Action Group, onto SysML/UML

To: "'David Price'" <dprice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: chris.paredis@xxxxxxxxxx, Ron_C_Williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx, 'Chris Partridge' <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion' <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Bock, Conrad'" <conrad.bock@xxxxxxxx>, 'Victor Agroskin' <vic5784@xxxxxxxxx>
From: "Matthew West" <matthew.west@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 14:59:26 -0000
Message-id: <005901ccf885$12172fb0$36458f10$@west@informationjunction.co.uk>

Dear David,

Thanks. That sounds a good development.




Matthew West                           

Information  Junction

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From: David Price [mailto:dprice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 02 March 2012 12:52
To: Matthew West
Cc: 'henson graves'; 'Anatoly Levenchuk'; 'Bock, Conrad'; chris.paredis@xxxxxxxxxx; 'Fredrick A Steiner'; 'Victor Agroskin'; Ron_C_Williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx; 'David Leal'; 'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion'; 'Chris Partridge'
Subject: Re: INCOSE Ontology Action Group, onto SysML/UML


On 02/03/12 12:28, Matthew West wrote:

MW: I understand that OWL 2 still has the same single level of classification that UML and EXPRESS have in principle. So you either have to do what we did, as you say, define your own language using another – and loose native support, or make some compromise. Neither of which is ideal, hence not really satisfactory. That does not mean such attempts are without value.


Hi Matthew - I think you have a small understanding. OWL 2 has two interpretations : Direct (i.e. DL) and RDF-based (more like FOL) and so you don't have to stick with the DL limitations for 15926 as OWL. That's why there will likely be at least two representations in the PCA project ... one or more wearing the DL straightjacket to support reasoning, and one unencumbered by DL to support data integration.


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