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Re: [ontology-summit] System Components

To: Ontology Summit 2012 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ontology Summit 2012 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: David Leal <david.leal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 17:26:48 +0000
Message-id: <20120131172700.06C57138CC6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Nicola,    (01)

I have read you paper about part replacement and virtual individuals 
with interest. It may be that your statement:    (02)

"So our virtual headlamp will have a nominal weight, power, shape and 
so on. These nominal qualities are different from the standard 
physical qualities, as they inhere to different entities, but share 
the same quality spaces."    (03)

needs qualification. Nominal values in engineering, are either 
references to a type of object rather than a real property (e.g. 2 
inch pipe - where there may be no actual dimension that is 2 inches), 
or are  a shorthand for a range, where somebody somewhere knows what 
the range is (e.g. our electricity supply is a nominal 230 volts - 
actually there is a range of allowed voltages around 230 - much wider 
than you might think).    (04)

A real object has measurable values for its properties. If a nominal 
value is given for a real object, this is a statement that the value 
is in the expected range and that the real object meets a 
requirement. For a virtual object there are only requirements, unless 
it has a physical constituent. When it does have a physical 
constituent it is possible to tell whether or not the requirements 
are satisfied.    (05)

Best regards,
David    (06)

At 22:50 30/01/2012, Nicola Guarino wrote:
>Dear Matthew,
>just a few clarifications concerning my lab's work. Note that I am 
>just trying to catch up with the (main points of the) discussion, 
>and I am probably missing many things. I look forward to seeing the 
>discussion synthesised somewhere, in order to allow everybody to 
>understand how we progress.
>Matthew West writes (answering to Giancarlo Guizzardi):
>>>An alternative to this issue can be thought of by considering qua 
>>MW: This is very similar to the 4D, but is relatively opaque, and 
>>gives more individuals than if you adopt extensional identity in 
>>4D. In this case playing multiple roles simultaneously does not 
>>give multiple states, but one state playing multiple roles. A bit 
>>more elegant I think.
>>>or perspectiles 
>>MW: This seems to generalise the idea above a bit. One problem I 
>>have with both of these is that (if I understand it correctly) they 
>>treat social and other roles as purely classes. This gives me a 
>>problem if I want to shake the hand of the president, or start 
>>P101, because classes are abstract, and these are just things you 
>>can't do to them. This is central to what I find unsatisfactory 
>>with these kinds of approaches. The situation is confused by there 
>>being several different meanings to role, from the participant role 
>>in an activity or state, to the component in a system, or social 
>>role with significant differences in character between them.
>The second paper is still work in progress, while the first one is 
>more established. In both cases, however, for sure the approach does 
>not only admit roles as "pure classes", and new kinds of individuals 
>are introduced. I defend a similar, although slightly different 
>approach in the paper below, which explicitly considers the parts 
>replacement problem (among other things) by introducing the notion 
>of a "virtual individual" (NOTE - this is still a draft - comments welcome):
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David Leal
CAESAR Systems Limited
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