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Re: [ontology-summit] [Quality] What means

To: "Ontology Summit 2008" <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Sharma, Ravi" <Ravi.Sharma@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:49:19 -0600
Message-id: <D09FFCFB3952074082D4280BC24EAFA8010415DD@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Peter, John    (01)

Truth is relative and is to be examined in the context (concept?). In
ancient literature examples of Truth are Sun and the Moon. They thought
hey would never vanish! What happens to them (Truth) after 15B Years -
as we think we know as of now and even that knowledge is changing?     (02)

Truth is also what others can verify. Lasers are application of science
of coherent optics, namely underlying natural laws of physics. Einstein
said he was interested in that world which could also be verified by
others and that generally applies to physics.     (03)

For varied Life sciences and even more complex social systems (which are
hard to qualify as far as truth is concerned) and it is even more
relative in that sense.    (04)

In very recent times such as 60-70 years ago Gandhi tried to apply same
logical principles to social justice, but some of these worked because
the British, even then, were quite sensitive and responsible. But
against a brick wall or dictatorship it would not have been a truthful
experiment. Please refer to His book "My Experiments with Truth" dealing
with social systems.    (05)

I do not mean static only as dynamic or changing systems are also
"true"!    (06)

Finally, I agree that we decide the purpose and scope and define what we
consider to be true (valid, approximately valid, asymptotically valid,
or statistically valid etc.) in that space.    (07)

How would ontologies deal with statistics?
Thanks.    (08)

Ravi    (09)

(Dr. Ravi Sharma) Senior Enterprise Architect    (010)

Vangent, Inc. Technology Excellence Center (TEC)    (011)

8618 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 310, Vienna VA 22182
(o) 703-827-0638, (c) 313-204-1740 www.vangent.com    (012)

Professional viewpoints do not necessarily imply organizational
endorsement.    (013)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:46 AM
To: 'Ontology Summit 2008'
Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] [Quality] What means    (014)

While truth is a challenging concept that has and will continue to be
debated by philosophers probably forever, we can and do as you say make
approximations and many would dispute even this. The point I was trying
make is that we do not need to use the concept of truth to function.
function of the principle of "reasonable doubt" and lasers are
used in construction. 
I enjoy the challenge of the purity of the agrument but I am constantly
trying to find its application in the real world. Unfortunantly it is
a smouth process and most often a period of unyielding frustration
occasionally broken by glimses of enlightenment. 
Peter     (015)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John F.
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 9:59 PM
To: Ontology Summit 2008
Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] [Quality] What means    (016)

Peter,    (017)

We make approximations to what we believe is true for many
different purposes, but that doesn't affect the point that
the truth itself (whether we know it or not) doesn't change.    (018)

 > Does light travel in a straight line, "in truth" no, but for
 > all purposes here on earth to say it does would be a true
 > statement.    (019)

Even that has to be qualified.  When light moves from air to
water, it bends.  As a result, a straight stick placed in
looks broken. And the naked eye can detect so-called "heat waves"
caused by the uneven bending of light when passing through air
at different temperatures.    (020)

John    (021)

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