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[ontolog-forum] The "qua-entities" paradigm

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: joel luis carbonera <joelcarbonera@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 13:59:46 -0300
Message-id: <CALqyLEfp+VZJMpq2vP_bzw7diq2eU0HP+xywpYuSpmQ6F9hKXQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello all,

Sorry if this was already discussed, but I found the approach proposed by Giancarlo Guizzardi, very interesting. He explores the ontological meta-property called "rigidity" for providing an ontological foundation for his approach. 

His approach can be found here.
"Agent Roles, Qua Individuals and The Counting Problem"

His approach was included in the so called Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO), which is presented here.
"Ontological foundations for strcutural conceptual models"

Best regards.


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