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Re: [ontolog-forum] Data Silos

To: "'[ontolog-forum] '" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Hans Polzer" <hpolzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 17:25:24 -0500
Message-id: <008201d022ed$2d041460$870c3d20$@verizon.net>
Sure, John. Here's the latest version of the SCOPE questionnaire. It's not
completely consistent with the SCOPE model document, but we like to think
that the questions reflect an improvement/refinement of the dimensions in
the SCOPE model document.     (01)

You'll note that Tab 3 in the spreadsheet is intentionally left blank. NCOIC
does have a number of domain-dependent scope questions for illustrative
domains as examples for anyone conducting SCOPE workshops. However, NCOIC
does not believe itself to be expert in any particular application domains
and so does not want to make such questions part of the standard released
questionnaire. Our training material does provide guidance on how to develop
domain-dependent scope dimensions and associated questions to put into the
spreadsheet for a particular workshop target domain.     (02)

While domain-dependent scope dimensions are the primary area of explicit
extensibility in the SCOPE model, we also welcome any suggestions for
additional dimensions and associated question/possible answer sets, or
improvements to the current questions/answer values in the other spreadsheet
tabs.    (03)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John F Sowa
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 3:11 PM
To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Data Silos    (04)

Hans and Frank,    (05)

I believe that the SCOPE document is important:    (06)

> You might also be interested in the NCOIC SCOPE model document:
> https://www.ncoic.org/images/technology/SCOPE_MODEL_VER1.0.pdf    (07)

And I agree with Frank's qualifications:    (08)

> one significant limitation with SCOPE is that it only allows adjacent 
> Silos (I.e. "one degree of separation") to be directly compared 
> against each other, in order to find their scopes and their potential 
> for interoperability.    (09)

But I don't believe that the new developments in technology change the
fundamental issues about interoperability:    (010)

> I would stress that technology has changed significantly since 2008, 
> along with the massive growth in data volumes.    (011)

The basic issues were recognized and addressed in attempts to support
interoperability since the conceptual schema work in the 1970s and '80s.
For issues about "perspectives", I'll suggest an article by John Zachman and
me in 1992:    (012)

    http://www.jfsowa.com/pubs/sowazach.pdf    (013)

Zachman's original framework had three columns, and he was thinking of
extending it with more columns.  I suggested an approach that is as old as
Aristotle:  Assign a question word to each column -- the answer to that
question leads to the content in the column.    (014)

When you multiply the six question words (What? How? Where? Who?
When? Why?) by the five roles (Planner, Owner, Designer, Builder,
Subcontractor), you get 30 different perspectives on every system.    (015)

The ISA framework is a systematic reminder that each question leads to a
different perspective for each role.  Even a single person playing more than
one role will have different perspectives for each role and each question.
But all the perspectives are interrelated.    (016)

> We also have a questionnaire version of the SCOPE model that you might 
> find useful.    (017)

The questions are often more important than the answers.
I'd like to see them.    (018)

John    (019)

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Attachment: NCOIC_SCOPE_Questions_ver1.5.1_2Jan2014.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

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