Frank, (01)
We're using the word 'basic' in different senses. The details
you're discussing are at the bottom of the subcontractor level
in the Zachman framework: (02)
> “signal crosstalk” (on circuit boards, on integrated circuits, between
> wires, etc.). At slow speeds with moderate signal strengths, there is
> little or negligible crosstalk. (03)
Please note the 30 different perspectives of the Zachman framework.
See Figures 6 and 7 of (04)
Zachman's primary domain of application was the aerospace industry.
But the ISA framework is just as useful for analyzing ways of talking
about or thinking about anything -- silicon chips, chocolate chips, etc. (05)
I won't claim that the 30 perspectives are the only ways of thinking or
talking about a system. There's an infinity of possible perspectives.
But 30 is better than 1 as an approximation to infinity. (06)
I collaborated with John Z. for that article, but I would also cite
Figure 2-1 (p. 12) of the SCOPE report. The details of the execution
environment (bottom of that diagram) are the level you're discussing.
I was talking about the issues closer to the top (architecture level). (07)
John (08)
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