On 8/30/14 11:01 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> David, Phil, and John B,
> I suggest a very simple definition for Big Data:
> Data whose size N (in bytes) is so large that any algorithm that
> takes time that is polynomial in N (for any exponent greater than 1)
> is prohibitively expensive with existing hardware.
> This definition scales with the technology. It was true in 1960, when
> people did research on sorting algorithms that took (N log N) time.
> The computers today are a million times bigger and faster than in 1960,
> but BIg Data today cannot be processed by any polynomial algorithm
> (with an exponent greater than 1).
> And that definition will still be true when computers are a million
> times bigger and faster than today's.
> John
John, (01)
Nice contribution to the definition of "Big Data" . I am going to
incorporate this into some of the definitions we maintain, as part of
the Linked Open Data cloud, via the nanotations below: (02)
## Turtle Start ## (03)
a skos:Concept;
<http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/general/GlossaryOfTerms.ttl#BigData>, (04)
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Big_data> ;
rdfs:comment """ (05)
Data whose size N (in bytes) is so large that any algorithm that
takes time that is polynomial in N (for any exponent greater than 1)
is prohibitively expensive with existing hardware. (06)
This definition scales with the technology. It was true in 1960, when
people did research on sorting algorithms that took (N log N) time. (07)
The computers today are a million times bigger and faster than in 1960,
but BIg Data today cannot be processed by any polynomial algorithm
(with an exponent greater than 1). (08)
And that definition will still be true when computers are a million
times bigger and faster than today's -- John F. Sowa.""" ;
dcterms:referencedBy <#thisPost> . (09)
## Turtle End ## (010)
Regards, (011)
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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