Hi Melvin,
You wrote: "RDF is a description language, and it corresponds to, space. Time is the changing notion, it corresponds to reading and writing and is quite hard to model in RDF alone.”
I’ve found that if you think of Time as an Entity Type, a specific instance in time can then be treated no differently than any other instance of any other Data Type. In other words, it can be treated as a Node in space. Unfortunately, there is no way to capture and/or map to continuous time, however, any Instance or Entity of any Data Type can be mapped to specific discrete instances in time, with specific semantic context. This is really no different than Discrete Signal Theory. For example:
Time “2014.08.19.22:30.07.52.EST” is related as “The Creation Time” for Data Record Instance “XYZ Version 1” Time “2014.08.19.23:32.40.01.EST” is related as “The Modification Time” for Data Record Instance “XYZ Version 2” Time “2014.08.19.23:55.12.11.EST” is related as “The Modification Time” for Data Record Instance “XYZ Version 3” Data Record Instance “XYZ Version 1” is related as “A Version Of” Data Record “XYZ” Data Record Instance “XYZ Version 2” is related as “A Version Of” Data Record “XYZ” Data Record Instance “XYZ Version 3” is related as “A Version Of” Data Record “XYZ”
In this way, you can start to do things like get snapshot views in time of a Graph/Network that allows you to compare any one view of a Graph[Tx] against any other view of a Graph[Ty]. In this way, you can also see a Graph move and change through time (kind of like motion picture cards that show motion when flipped fast enough). The question becomes, how granular do you really want to make your Graph before data explodes and gets out of hand?
I’ve found that this works well with things that don’t change too often, like trying to track the evolution of an Enterprise (and its Assets). However, it doesn’t work too well when applied to massive transaction volume situations, like turning Securities Exchange Transactions into Graph representations (e.g. across all Exchanges, for all Securities, of all Security Types, at all Price Ticks, for all Buyers and Sellers, etc.).
My Best,
Frank Guerino, Chairman
The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT)
1.908.294.5191 (M)
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