Hi - Here are some working notes for a Privacy Ontology. Please
pardon the formatting but I've got to put this aside for now; the
wolf is at my door demanding payments I don't have! Maybe a
conference call can happen sometime. regards/jmc
[1] Ontologists
- Help better balance the disproportionate power/information
positions of entities.
- Better articulate and making accessible elements of privacy
- Is there some classification of privacy terms that can be
generalized across privacy contracts?
- Is there some way of making the effects of these accessible to
- Is there a way to help end users evaluate the effects of
changes in privacy policies?
[2] Psychometricians
Use Cases.
1. If there is a legal basis for privacy information requests and
you are asked to develop an ontology that implements only a
portion of that basis, what should your response be?
2. Is there an imperative for ontologists to develop a code of
ethics to communicate their role?
3. Should ontologists identify situations that may have legal
consequences and prefer to act in an advisory role to SME's rather
than actually drafting the ontology?
4. How does the ownership of communications interact with
someone's privacy
right to copy items one possesses?
5. Facebook Term of Service: "You own all of the content and
information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is
shared through your privacy
and application
settings. In addition: For content that is covered by
intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content),
you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your
privacy and application
settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable,
sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP
content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP
Privacy: (a) The expectation for an individual that the
signals the individual generates (whether talking in a room or
by explicitly recording signals on some medium) will only be
accessible to intended entities. [asaegyn@xxxxxxxxx] (b)
self-calibration of one's vulnerability [kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
(c) expectations
about information flow that are met [5].
specification, transparency,
auditability, accountability
[1] http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebAccessControl
-- Web ACLs
[2] http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl
-- Ontology
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personally_identifiable_information
[4] http://www.w3.org/2010/09/raggett-fresh-take-on-p3p/
[5] http://www.danah.org/papers/talks/2010/WWW2010.html
[6] http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/C.3/68/L.45/Rev.1
[7] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0w36GAyZIA
- Appelbaum presentation
Design Axioms and Assumptions.
- "Right_of_Privacy" is an instance of class Legal_Right; this
class enables rights to be enumerated as seen in the US
- Privacy is a subclass of class Topic; its
instances specify parameters pertinent to specific instances or
to specific classes (its 'subjects').
- Three types of classes exist, first for concrete resources (Topic),
the second for attribute resources (Attribute).
- Example instances: Substance and Weight.
- A third metaclass, Tag, exists whose instances are
plain and normative adjectives; past participles; and adverbs.
- Plain adjectives: Plain, Normative, Participial,
Adverbial, Lexical, Concrete, Abstract, Past,
Present, Future.
- Privacy-related plain adjectives: Valid, Invalid,
Legal, Illegal, Private, Semi-private, Public.
- Privacy-related normative adjectives: Privatizable,
- Privacy-related past participles: Privatized,
- Adverbs: Implicitly, Explicitly.
- Three types of properties exist, one for datatyped string
values, the second for typed object values.
- Example instances: weight and has:this.
- A third (abstract) metaclass for properties exist, Facet,
whose domain is constrained to class Attribute.
- Two types of attribute values exist, one being string values,
the second being URIs.
- Example instances: "185" and "/My_Weight".
- A value facet property exists whose range is the set
of all strings.
- An encoding facet property exists whose range
is the set of all instances of class Character_Set.
- A language facet property exists whose range is the set
of all instances of class Language.
- A unit facet property exists whose range is
the set of all instances of class Measure.
- Privacy statements associated with Topic and
Attribute resources pertain to knowledge of the
existence of the (its) subject resource.
- is:to relation(s) can identify to whom the
resource's existence is known -- implicitly it is the
'owner' of the resource.
- is:as_of and is:until relations can
identify the beginning/end timestamp applicable to this
- is:for relation(s) can identify the (event)
context applicable to releasing this knowledge
- Tag Private is associable with Topic resources
to (at least, implicitly) assert a Privacy statement
pertains to knowledge of the existence of the (its) subject
- like previous, but expectation concerns attributes associated
with a given resource (the attribute is the subject)
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