On 1/16/14 5:53 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
> Hello John,
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:42:44AM -0800, John McClure wrote:
>> >Otherwise, dear ontologists, what /does /"privacy" actually mean?
> I like Danah Boyds "definition", which seems to boil down to "expectations
> about information flow that are met".
> Fromhttp://www.danah.org/papers/talks/2010/WWW2010.html
> Privacy is not about control over data nor is it a property of data. It's
>about a collective understanding of a social situation's boundaries and
>knowing how to operate within them. In other words, its about having control
>over a situation. It's about understanding the audience and knowing how far
>information will flow. Its about trusting the people, the situating, and the
>context. People seek privacy so that they can make themselves vulnerable in
>order to gain something: personal support, knowledge, friendship, etc.
> ...
> Regards,
> Michael Brunnbauer (01)
Yes, as I stated in an earlier post, it boils down to: self-calibration
of one's vulnerability, on or offline. (02)
Basic example: choosing to lock your front-door at night is a decision
you make, rather than some bot etc.. (03)
-- (04)
Regards, (05)
Kingsley Idehen
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