On 11/6/13 1:14 PM, William Frank
Not only do scientists take what they happen to learn
as the gospel, and all else as wrong, so do engineers. For
example, if they take a logic course in which all truth functions
are derived from nand, then they believe that all truth
functions are 'really' derived from nand, and that those
who use the full set of mathematical English truth functional
connectives just don't 'know' this basic truth. In software, and
ontology, engineers solve problems more and more with no regard to
how these problems might have been elegantly solved in the last
100 years. They seem to think there own minds, untrained in
clarity and precision or even the ability to use Wikipedia,
starting on ground zero, will naturally do a better job than the
giants on whose shoulders they could stand.
Very well stated!!
This is our biggest problem today!
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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