Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07 (01)
= REMINDER = (02)
This is a final REMINDER that the OntologyBasedStandards mini-series
session-06 is coming up tomorrow (Thursday, Nov-7.) If you are a
potential user or a developer of financial ontologies or financial
systems standards, or if your are simply supportive of ontology-based
standards, you probably don't want to miss this session, and the rest
of the events from this mini-series. ... RSVP now, if you haven't
already! (... see details below) (03)
= Ontology-based Standards mini-series session-06 - Thu 2013-11-07 = (04)
Session Co-chairs:
Mr. Mike Bennett (EDM Council) & Professor William McCarthy (Michigan State U) (05)
Topic: Ontology-based Financial Standards: Some Ongoing Work (06)
Panel / Briefings:
* Professor Bill McCarthy (Michigan State U) - "ISO 15944-4 (2nd
edition) and the REA accounting ontology"
* Mr. Dave McComb (Semantic Arts) - "Taming Complexity in the
Financial Services Industry"
* Mr. Mike Bennett (EDM Council) - "FIBO and Shared Semantics"
* Dr. Elie Abi-Lahoud (University College Cork, Ireland) - "Use of
SBVR to create regulatory ontologies"
* Mr. John Hall (Model Systems, UK) - "Interpreting Regulation: some
snippets from a methodology" (07)
* Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013
* Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30am EST / 6:30pm CST / 1730 GMT/UTC
** ref: World Clock -
* Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours (08)
* Dial-in:
** Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... Conference ID: 141184# , or
** Skype: in view of recent reported skype connection issues, this is
not recommended (especially for speakers) although it may still work
for some ... to do that, make a skype call to the skypeID:
"joinconference" ... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184#
** refer to additional details on the session page. (09)
Just point your browser to the session page:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07 when
you are about to connect into the session and to access other details
and resources (agenda, abstracts, slides, process/instructions, etc.)
Details will be there at the top of the page. Please try dialing-in a
few minutes before the scheduled start-time, as we have a very full
program planned for this session. (010)
Talk to you all tomorrow! =ppy (011)
For the Session Co-champions
Mike Bennett, Bill McCarthy & Elie Abi-Lahoud (012)
... along with other co-champions of
the Ontology-based Standards mini-series (013)
p.s. see full proceedings of the last two Ontology-based Standards
mini-series sessions at:
* session-04: The Case for a "Quantities and Units of Measure"
Ontology Standard -
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_10_10 ...
* session-05: "Ontology-based Standards in Geospatial Domains" -
-- (014)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 8:51 PM
Subject: "Ontology-based Standards" mini-series session-6 -
Ontology-based Financial Standards - Thu 2013.11.07
To: ontology-based-standards <ontology-based-standards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (015)
Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07 (016)
You are cordially invited to join us this Thursday (Nov7) at the
Ontology-based Standards mini-series panel session-6, when we will be
focusing on Ontology-based Financial Standards. (017)
= Ontology-based Standards mini-series session-6 - Thu 2013-11-07 = (018)
Session Co-chairs:
Mr. Mike Bennett (EDM Council) & Prof. William McCarthy (Michigan State) (019)
Topic: Ontology-based Financial Standards: Some Ongoing Work (020)
== Abstract == (021)
As with the recent session-04: The Case for a "Quantities and Units of
Measure" Ontology Standard and session-05: "Ontology-based Standards
in Geospatial Domains", this is a continuation of the
OntologyBasedStandards mini-series that was started in late 2012 as a
collaborative effort by ONTOLOG, IAOA, OASIS, OMG, various ISO working
groups and the OOR Initiative. This session, is part of a program of 8
topics which are planned to be held over the remaining time in 2013,
and partly in 2014. (022)
At this session, we will be providing an introduction and overview
into some current and developing financial industry standards, where
ontologies and their applications are involved - using the FIBO
conceptual framework to align across standards semantics; ISO 15944
transaction semantics; regulatory reporting with semantics; Regulatory
ontology applications, etc. Briefings by the panel will be followed by
Q & A and an open discussion of issues. (023)
Please also refer to the "Ontology-based Standards" mini-series
homepage at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologyBasedStandards (024)
See details on the session page at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07 (025)
RSVP now! (ref. details below.) (026)
****** (027)
These sessions, like all Ontolog virtual events, are open and free of
charge. Anyone who is interested, or (better still) who may have
something to contribute, is welcome. Please refer to event details on
the session pages, to which the hyperlink is given above, where you
will find session agenda, conference call dial-in, slides and other
pertinent information. Feel free to pass this invitation along to
colleagues who may also find these sessions to be of interest. (028)
*RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline (or add
yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog
community member) so that we can prepare enough resources to support
everyone. [Please state clearly the date of the session you are
registering for in your email; your affiliation too, if you are not a
community member.] (029)
These sessions will be recorded and made available in a publicly
accessible archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure
you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32). (030)
Regards. =ppy (031)
For the Session Co-champions
Mike Bennett, Bill McCarthy & Elie Abi-Lahoud (032)
... along with other co-champions of
the Ontology-based Standards mini-series
-- (033)
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