I agree though I note this blindered 'independent view' is destined to
be an International Standard. (01)
That's more the point, true? (02)
On 11/8/2013 9:29 AM, Peter Yim wrote:
> John McClure and All,
> No politics here, please ( ... those conversations belong elsewhere!)
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> Peter Yim
> Co-convener, ONTOLOG
> --
> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 8:53 AM, John McClure <jmcclure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Thank you for hosting the panel. Much appreciated and benefitted from
>> the SBVR presentations while disappointed by the stale REA
>> presentations. Claiming to present a comprehensive economics model
>> crafted from a so-called "independent view", I expected to see included
>> minor details like public goods, regulations and externalities. Instead
>> the enterprise-centric, libertarian model I saw is the exact same 1900s
>> perspective which has lead in my opinion to a state of pathetic and
>> crumbling infrastructure amidst an environment that is treated like an
>> open sewer. In other words I'd suggest it's past time to model other
>> forms of enterprise accounting than just those approved by accounting
>> boards. Enterprises must stop ignoring both the benefits their economic
>> transactions accrue from their use of public goods ('the commons') as
>> well as the costs their transactions impose on the public.
>> /jmc
>> 11/6/2013 12:59 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
>>> .
>>> Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07
>>> = REMINDER =
>>> This is a final REMINDER that the OntologyBasedStandards mini-series
>>> session-06 is coming up tomorrow (Thursday, Nov-7.) If you are a
>>> potential user or a developer of financial ontologies or financial
>>> systems standards, or if your are simply supportive of ontology-based
>>> standards, you probably don't want to miss this session, and the rest
>>> of the events from this mini-series. ... RSVP now, if you haven't
>>> already! (... see details below)
>>> = Ontology-based Standards mini-series session-06 - Thu 2013-11-07 =
>>> Session Co-chairs:
>>> Mr. Mike Bennett (EDM Council) & Professor William McCarthy (Michigan State
>>> Topic: Ontology-based Financial Standards: Some Ongoing Work
>>> Panel / Briefings:
>>> * Professor Bill McCarthy (Michigan State U) - "ISO 15944-4 (2nd
>>> edition) and the REA accounting ontology"
>>> * Mr. Dave McComb (Semantic Arts) - "Taming Complexity in the
>>> Financial Services Industry"
>>> * Mr. Mike Bennett (EDM Council) - "FIBO and Shared Semantics"
>>> * Dr. Elie Abi-Lahoud (University College Cork, Ireland) - "Use of
>>> SBVR to create regulatory ontologies"
>>> * Mr. John Hall (Model Systems, UK) - "Interpreting Regulation: some
>>> snippets from a methodology"
>>> * Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013
>>> * Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30am EST / 6:30pm CST / 1730 GMT/UTC
>>> ** ref: World Clock -
>>> * Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours
>>> * Dial-in:
>>> ** Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... Conference ID: 141184# , or
>>> ** Skype: in view of recent reported skype connection issues, this is
>>> not recommended (especially for speakers) although it may still work
>>> for some ... to do that, make a skype call to the skypeID:
>>> "joinconference" ... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184#
>>> ** refer to additional details on the session page.
>>> Just point your browser to the session page:
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07 when
>>> you are about to connect into the session and to access other details
>>> and resources (agenda, abstracts, slides, process/instructions, etc.)
>>> Details will be there at the top of the page. Please try dialing-in a
>>> few minutes before the scheduled start-time, as we have a very full
>>> program planned for this session.
>>> Talk to you all tomorrow! =ppy
>>> For the Session Co-champions
>>> Mike Bennett, Bill McCarthy & Elie Abi-Lahoud
>>> ... along with other co-champions of
>>> the Ontology-based Standards mini-series
>>> p.s. see full proceedings of the last two Ontology-based Standards
>>> mini-series sessions at:
>>> * session-04: The Case for a "Quantities and Units of Measure"
>>> Ontology Standard -
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_10_10 ...
>>> and,
>>> * session-05: "Ontology-based Standards in Geospatial Domains" -
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_10_17
>>> --
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
>>> Date: Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 8:51 PM
>>> Subject: "Ontology-based Standards" mini-series session-6 -
>>> Ontology-based Financial Standards - Thu 2013.11.07
>>> To: ontology-based-standards <ontology-based-standards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> .
>>> Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07
>>> You are cordially invited to join us this Thursday (Nov7) at the
>>> Ontology-based Standards mini-series panel session-6, when we will be
>>> focusing on Ontology-based Financial Standards.
>>> = Ontology-based Standards mini-series session-6 - Thu 2013-11-07 =
>>> Session Co-chairs:
>>> Mr. Mike Bennett (EDM Council) & Prof. William McCarthy (Michigan State)
>>> Topic: Ontology-based Financial Standards: Some Ongoing Work
>>> == Abstract ==
>>> As with the recent session-04: The Case for a "Quantities and Units of
>>> Measure" Ontology Standard and session-05: "Ontology-based Standards
>>> in Geospatial Domains", this is a continuation of the
>>> OntologyBasedStandards mini-series that was started in late 2012 as a
>>> collaborative effort by ONTOLOG, IAOA, OASIS, OMG, various ISO working
>>> groups and the OOR Initiative. This session, is part of a program of 8
>>> topics which are planned to be held over the remaining time in 2013,
>>> and partly in 2014.
>>> At this session, we will be providing an introduction and overview
>>> into some current and developing financial industry standards, where
>>> ontologies and their applications are involved - using the FIBO
>>> conceptual framework to align across standards semantics; ISO 15944
>>> transaction semantics; regulatory reporting with semantics; Regulatory
>>> ontology applications, etc. Briefings by the panel will be followed by
>>> Q & A and an open discussion of issues.
>>> Please also refer to the "Ontology-based Standards" mini-series
>>> homepage at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologyBasedStandards
>>> See details on the session page at:
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_07
>>> RSVP now! (ref. details below.)
>>> ******
>>> These sessions, like all Ontolog virtual events, are open and free of
>>> charge. Anyone who is interested, or (better still) who may have
>>> something to contribute, is welcome. Please refer to event details on
>>> the session pages, to which the hyperlink is given above, where you
>>> will find session agenda, conference call dial-in, slides and other
>>> pertinent information. Feel free to pass this invitation along to
>>> colleagues who may also find these sessions to be of interest.
>>> *RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline (or add
>>> yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog
>>> community member) so that we can prepare enough resources to support
>>> everyone. [Please state clearly the date of the session you are
>>> registering for in your email; your affiliation too, if you are not a
>>> community member.]
>>> These sessions will be recorded and made available in a publicly
>>> accessible archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure
>>> you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref:
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32).
>>> Regards. =ppy
>>> For the Session Co-champions
>>> Mike Bennett, Bill McCarthy & Elie Abi-Lahoud
>>> ... along with other co-champions of
>>> the Ontology-based Standards mini-series
>>> --
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> (03)
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