Ed, Avril, and William, (01)
> [end unnecessary treatise, which is probably inaccurate in
> several areas that John Sowa will point out] (02)
No. It's a good summary. (03)
> science conquered the role of the holder of the truth from the
> church, and now the scientists say what is true. (04)
> Not only do scientists take what they happen to learn as the gospel,
> and all else as wrong, so do engineers. (05)
It's even worse than that. Many people get disillusioned about science
as well, but they're looking for something to believe in. So they jump
from one extreme to another. (06)
> The long-term solution is to take philosophy of science as compulsory
> in all education programs, especially in universities. (07)
The teenage years are the critical period. That's when they rebel
against their parents, but they want something to believe in. (08)
The Internet is a great source of information, but it doesn't teach
critical thinking. It's very easy for people at any age to fall
into extreme web sites and chat rooms of every stripe. (09)
John (010)
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