I currently have only time for the passing comment. Better for me to say
nothing, I agree. (01)
Steven (02)
Dr. Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering
http://iase.info (03)
On Aug 13, 2013, at 7:44 PM, John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: (04)
> Steven,
>> The reason that these approaches fail is that they are self-referencing
>> and embody neither a natural epistemology nor ground.
> I am highly skeptical of one-sentence summaries, especially when they
> contain five vague and highly debatable notions: self-referencing,
> embody, natural, epistemology, and ground.
> I have a high regard for the people who have been doing that research
> over the past half century. I won't claim that they have examined
> every possible approach from every possible point of view. But any
> claim that they have overlooked something that could be summarized
> in one line would require much more justification. (05)
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