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Re: [ontolog-forum] Amazon vs. IBM: Big Blue meets match in battle for t

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 10:15:55 -0400
Message-id: <51F3D61B.8040605@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On 7/27/2013 8:50 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
> Yes, if all you have is the code, you are in trouble and SW technologies
> are not a magic bullet for solving it.    (01)

I want to emphasize three points I have mentioned many times before:    (02)

  1. SW technologies are useful.    (03)

  2. But they are a small part of the technologies that Tim B-L surveyed
     in the DAML proposal of 2000 and claimed that the SW should be
     able to accommodate.    (04)

  3. There are technologies for analyzing software and NL documents
     in order to make the implicit logic and ontology explicit.  But
     they use methods that go far beyond what the current SW supports.    (05)

For an example of point #3, see the legacy re-engineering example in
slides 139-147 of http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/goal.pdf .  Section 6
and 7 (slides 111 to 157) discuss these issues further.    (06)

I approve of what Kingsley has been doing to provide ways of integrating
SW technology with a wide range of technology (including legacy systems)
that the SW stack does not support.    (07)

But Tim discussed a huge amount of AI technology that was available
in 2000, but the DAML project ignored.  Cyc and Watson, for example,
go far, far beyond anything that the SW supports.    (08)

Kingsley pointed out that both Watson and Cyc *use* data that comes
from RDF, but they immediately translate it to their own formats.
The reasoning methods they use go far beyond what the SW provides.    (09)

John    (010)

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