On 5/27/2013 2:18 PM, doug foxvog wrote:
> A conceptual work is not outside of time because a specific person
> (or persons) mentally created the work, completing it at a specific
> time. They probably modified the work in the process of creating
> the real world artifact that was the "original copy". (01)
I agree. (02)
> There is a relationship between the individual that is a conceptual
> work and the various signs in which it is instantiated. However,
> that relationship is not that of a timeless class to an instance of
> the class. (03)
I agree to that. But need to draw some distinctions: (04)
1. The process of creating a "cultural work" involves physical
processes and material located in time and space. (05)
2. During that process many different, but related artifacts are
created. Each one can be considered some sort of "original",
and they may have strong resemblances to one another. (06)
3. But Peirce did not use the terms 'class' and 'instance'. He
was familiar with Cantor's set theory, and he invented much of
the terminology and notation for modern logic. But the terms he
used for signs were mark/token/type. He also said that a token
is a "replica" of a "type" -- not an instance of a class. (07)
In my previous note, I cited Tolstoy's "cultural work" in producing
_War and Peace_. There were many different, but related manuscripts,
some of which were published. During the past century, there were
many translations, each of which produced results that are closely
related to the tokens and types that Tolstoy produced -- and they
are all called "War and Peace" or some translation of that name. (08)
As more examples, we could go into the many variations of what
Picasso did in drawing preliminary sketches for his paintings,
including some that he painted over. He also used a variety of
methods for producing prints: (09)
http://www.sapergalleries.com/PicassoPrintmakingTechniques.html (010)
And for serious complexities that are still being debated, we could
explore the social, historical, and artistic processes that produced
the "cultural works" we now call Homer's _Iliad_ and _Odyssey_. (011)
Summary: I agree that a "cultural work" involves more than just
a type-token relation. It can involve very complex processes
with many kinds of relationships. But using semiotic terminology
can help us analyze them, understand them, and explain them.
In comparison, the term 'temporal aspatial entity' is more
confusing than helpful. (012)
John (013)
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