On 9/1/12 1:39 PM, David Eddy wrote:
Kingsley -
On Aug 31, 2012, at 12:42 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
But that's a misconception
resulting from overzealous narratives peddled by those who
just don't know better due to their general industry
inexperience. R2RML [1] is an integral part of the stack
re., legacy RDBMS integration.
Ok... we have connectivity from the legacy Silo(s) to
How do you KNOW what's in that legacy Silo?
Of course I do. How else would that work? Have you taken a look at
any examples of Linked Data to RDBMS mapping? I am not talking about
papers now, real stuff where you have data objects derived from a
relational schema with base semantics in play that reflect the
mundane semantics of an rdbms en route to enhancing the resulting
view (be transient or materialized) using addition semantics e.g.
owl:sameAs, owl:inverseFunctional, and other inference oriented
Have the columns you're interested in been profiled?
What does that mean? Could it mean groking foreign key
relationships, for instance? Could it mean understanding RDBMS
schema privileges scoped to user accounts (which by the way are
literal and borderline useless once you add a network to the mix).
Real Integration Challenges:
1. reconcile identities - non account related data in the database
(how do you reconcile the same customer entity across data in
different tables and/or across different DBMS instances)
2. reconcile accounts and roles -- account related data in the
database that controls object access and privileges (how you
reconcile user and role accounts across different DBMS instances).
For all the criticisms aimed at projects from the Semantic Web
stack, I am yet to see a link to a single alternative that actually
isn't yet another silo in disguise.
I am throwing down the gauntlet to everyone. Show me the money! I
can back up my claims with live links whenever. I would to see the
critics respond in kind. Simple rule: No Silos!
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