On Thu, September 6, 2012 11:38, Andries van Renssen wrote:
> A property measurement example has two angles: (01)
It appears that you are referring to a measurement series. "A" (single)
"measurement" sounds like an individual data point, to me. (02)
> The measurement process, in which various things are involved over time in
> different roles (03)
> And the results of the measurements as follows: (04)
> Object A <has property> T (05)
> T <is classified as a> temperature (06)
>From the below, it appears that T is an instance of a
time-vs-temperature-of-object graph.
A more semantic name than "T" would be
"TimeTemperatureGraphOfObjectA". (07)
> When the value of T varies over time we can create a sequence of relations
> between T and numeric values on a scale, such as: (08)
> T <has a value lower than> 50 C on t1 (09)
> T <has a value equal to> 50 C on t2 (010)
> T <has a value equal to> 51 C on t3 (011)
> Etc. (012)
> Without the need to respecify the object A and the classification of T. (013)
Since ObjectAsTimeTemperatureGraph is an object that has
one functional property that relates it to Object A and another
functional property that relates it to a specific temperature at
some defined times (and to no temperature at other times). (014)
> With kind regards,
> Andries
> ... (015)
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