Hello John, (01)
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:14:25PM -0500, John F. Sowa wrote:
> Those are useful comments about the underlying technology. But my main
> complaint about the SW is not about Tim B-L's vision in 1994. I liked
> the vision from the beginning. My major complaint is that the vision
> was never connected with any problems that anybody needed to solve.
> As for ontology, I'd like to ask what problems we might solve that
> (1) could have a comparable impact on society, (2) take advantage
> of the existing IT infrastructure, and (3) be built in a time frame
> comparable to the development of the iPhone. (02)
I think you gave a good example of a problem that Tim B-L was trying to solve
and that was solved in a reasonable time frame with probable impact on
society: Talking about all sorts of things in a way that the major search
engines can understand it better: (03)
>Please note that the schema.org group (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!
>and others) have some very intelligent R & D people. They looked
>at RDF, but they adopted schema.org instead. They use an approach
>that Guha and Bray could have adopted back in 1998: put very simple
>HTML tags in web pages and gather all the triples (or N-tuples) in
>JSON notation. (And JSON is just LISP with curly braces.) (04)
Why do you think schema.org is not about URI based triples and something
in contrast to RDF ? (05)
What has JSON to do with schema.org ? I can't find anything about JSON there. (06)
Of course, schema.org and the whole SW is more vocabulary than ontology
and personally I think reasoning over distributed data with usable results
is something we will not see soon but that does not mean that the SW cannot
be a big thing right now. (07)
Regards, (08)
Michael Brunnbauer (09)
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