Michael - (01)
On Jan 24, 2012, at 10:00 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote: (02)
> I get self describing homonym-free terminology. Whenever I stumble
> over such
> a term, I can get it's definition in one or several natural languages
> automatically by dereferencing the term. I can also be sure that the
> definition I get is the only and authoritative definition for this
> term. (03)
Perhaps German is different from English, but WHERE can you find
terms/phrases that have a SINGLE definition? (04)
To repeat... the technical terminology (pretty much from the jargon
of software systems) "dictionary" I built has 2,000 terms & 68,000
meanings. If I were industrious, I suspect the 68,000 would be more
like 150,000. (05)
David Eddy
deddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (06)
781-455-0949 (07)
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