But John - for business applications ontologies have to be more than
theories. I like Matthew West's definition "the things there are and
the rules that govern them" (01)
Regards Deborah (02)
On 4/28/11, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 4/28/2011 12:22 PM, AzamatAbdoullaev wrote:
>> Partitioning ontologies as formal and informal ones is rather confusing.
> Actually, it's very simple.
> The definition I suggested:
> An ontology is a theory about what exists in some domain.
> A formal ontology is one that is stated in some version of logic
> or mathematics that is capable of supporting automated deduction.
> An informal ontology is one that is described in ordinary language.
> That is not a form that can be used for automated deduction.
>> (N) stands for Normative Ontology
> The decision to make any specification normative is orthogonal
> to the nature of the specification or whether it is formalized.
> That is a completely separate issue, which is determined by
> some group that has the authority to make such decisions.
> John
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Deborah L. MacPherson CSI CCS, AIA
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