On Sep 29, 2010, at 4:14 PM, Pavithra wrote:
"Thingame" sounds funny! But this group is snooty like Chris said. We need more snooty word..
When you use "snooty words" you do run the risk of being marginalized in your own brilliance.
I don't know where the dividing line is, but early in life one (at least I did) assumes that if someone is using "big words" they're smart & I'm uneducated. Now that I'm an old curmudgeon I assume when someone is using big words they have something to hide.
Like... Y2K. Short, snappy & to the point. Unforgettable :-)
Of course, it did end up having a smidge of ambiguity... some wanted it to mean the end of the world, others thought it meant how software could mishandle two digit years.
So where would Y2K fit in an ontology?
"Y2K" coined 12 Jun 1995 on Peter de Jager's Year 2000 list.