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Re: [ontolog-forum] Triadic Sign Relations In Practice

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Rick Murphy <rick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 07:32:14 -0400
Message-id: <4C73ADBE.5010400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Jon, would you have an opinion on which of Peirce's 10 classes of 
signs the following statement would be classified under?    (01)

RC> "The first cold weather is a sign of the coming Fall and Winter in 
the Northern Hemisphere."    (02)

Most likely an index and dicisign?    (03)

Rick    (04)

On 8/24/2010 7:07 AM, Jon Awbrey wrote:
> Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2010-08/msg00210.html
> Rich Cooper wrote:
>   >
>   >  Thanks for Peircifying the discussion so I (for one)
>   >  can start to figure out what Peirce is good for.
>   >
>   >  The triad we discussed earlier was
>   >  <sign, interpretANT, interpretER>.
>   >
>   >  The different triad you are presenting here is
>   >  <object,sign,interpretANT>  with a fallen InterpretER.
>   >
>   >  How are these two triads related?  Clearly the only way
>   >  to take the InterpretER out of the issue is to make
>   >  the difficult to justify claim of objectivity --
>   >  "everyone perceives it this way".
>   >
>   >  Please explain the use of Everyone
>   >  as the observer, actor InterpretER.
> Rich,
> It is possible to formalize the relation between
> interpreter-talk and interpretant-talk -- I made
> one start at doing this here:
> But I still think Peirce's homme-ble homme-ily about the
> French Interpreter's ''Homme'' is sufficient to the task:
> The whole point using a 3-adic sign relation -- as distinguished
> from the 2-adic sign relations of Descartes, Saussure, and others --
> is to put the interpreter back into the process of interpretation.
> As I have emphasized e-numerable times, the interpreter is in some
> sense the whole of the relevant sign relation that we find involved
> in a particular pattern of semiosis, for instance, a communication,
> computation, inference, or inquiry.
> Another way to view the relationship between the interpreter and the
> sign relation is from the perspective of mathematical systems theory.
> There we have a "system" moving through the states of its state space,
> like one of those pinging blue GPS dots moving through the manifold of
> some earthly domain's map or satellite view.  It is really nothing more
> than a rhetorical turn of phrase to call that "representative point" by
> by its office or title of "agent".  The properties of interest are all
> systematic dynamic properties, but agent-talk gives us convenient ways
> of phrasing questions and answers.  Technically speaking, we can call
> the agent a "hypostatic abstraction" from the dynamics of the system.
> Jon Awbrey
> CC: Arisbe, Inquiry
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