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Re: [ontolog-forum] Semantic Enterprise Architecture

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 09:57:53 -0400
Message-id: <4C712CE1.4040000@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Rick and Ian,    (01)

Are the two of you talking about something that is somehow related?    (02)

RM> Readers of the TQ paper will notice references to GSA, the
 > sponsoring agency.    (03)

What paper is that?  When I followed Ian's URLs, I found UML diagrams,
for which the top level (labeled Thing) was followed only by data
elements and combinations via tuples.  I have no objection to people
using tuples for data elements, but there is a big gap between that
and...    (04)

RM> Our most promising work extended well beyond model driven
 > architecture and the semantic web, though we did a LOT of that.
 > The Information Flow Framework, Category Theory and Goguen and
 > Burstall's Institutions became part of the core team's understanding.    (05)

This is combining "the primitives and the space cadets".    (06)

RM> Thankfully, we placed some of our work in an open source repository
 > so others could take advantage of the tax dollars that funded this
 > effort.
 > http://osera.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/osera/    (07)

Sourceforge is notorious for downloads with no explanation of what
on earth might be downloaded.  I clicked on a README that said    (08)

 > Revision 63  - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
 > Added Mon Dec 17 21:31:28 2007 UTC (2 years, 8 months ago) by
 > rickmurphy  File length: 74 byte(s)  p3 adjustment    (09)

This is not helpful.    (010)

RM> As I reflect on those five amazing years and what has followed
 > since, I am resolved to follow the truth instead of a trend and
 > thankful that the government has a leader in George Thomas.    (011)

That's nice.  But is there any documentation that can tell us
what George Thomas did?  Where did he lead the government?    (012)

And speaking of governments, David Mott from IBM UK sent some
notes to the Common Logic email list about his work with a US, UK,
International Technical Alliance, which seems to be doing something
that might be relatable, if anybody would ever get around to relating
anything.  Following is a list of publications:    (013)

    http://www.usukita.org/papers/ita_tech_papers.html    (014)

At this point, you can hear the Monty Python music, a large foot
stomping down, "And now for something completely different...."    (015)

John    (016)

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