Hi Doug,
I very much agree with your point of view. A good many of the difficulties
encountered in projects that I have consulted on are rooted in
and hidden agendas. The ontology is not just a technical tool, it is also a
and organizational tool.
One of the challenges of this approach, however, is the need for multiple
ontologies and a way to link them semantically. The different segments of a
large enterprise will develop individual terms and phrases that they use to
communicate within the segment. In my experience, there is little hope of
getting all segments to agree on a single set of terms. But, it appears to
often possible to get agreement on a mapping and sharing of concepts,
there is a crisp and unambiguous definition of the concepts.
There is a small amount of technical work in the area of shared ontologies
ontology mapping that I am familiar with. Can you and others on this forum
Suggest additional sources?
Jim Rhyne
Software Renovation Consulting (01)
-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Doug McDavid
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2009 3:55 AM
To: paoladimaio10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology development method (02)
Hi Paola -- (03)
I'd like to pick up on your point about the social aspects of this
field. Over the years, I have gravitated more over to the social
system aspect of enterprise, and I feel strongly that precision of
language, and understanding of language distinctions, is a critical
element of lubricating the social side of enterprise (better
understanding, disambiguation to everyone's relief, semantic boundary
objects that allow different disciplines and practices to work
together, etc.). (04)
I haven't found much appetite for this kind of discussion on this
particular list. I follow the discussions here quite closely,
because I think ontology has the potential to become an important wave
of future development of business systems. I would probably be making
more than the occasional contribution if there were more interest in
these social aspects. Maybe someone receiving this knows of a
discussion going on elsewhere. I admit I haven't done due diligence
on Ning, LinkedIn, Google Groups, etc. (05)
If there's any interest at all, I could be encouraged to do some
diligence, and possibly set up a discussion group on this topic. (06)
Thanks for your thoughts! (07)
Doug (08)
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx>
> John
>> I think that *ideology* is the main obstacle that has strangled
>> innovation in the SW.
> what I noticed is that much of the thinking (setting aside the ideology
> point) is done by computer scientists
> while in my view sw challenges are not striclty CS per se
> Information Management dont particularly count as scientist either,
> On top of that 'social 'science is not taken into account
> a bit like having a team of only civil engineers, and no architects/
> planners
> while its' true that infrastructure is really really important, we would
> want our cities to be
> run and governed solely by plumbers and electricians
>> If anybody whispers that JSON might be better
>> than RDF, the SW thought police immediately exile them from the empire.
> do you have evidence to that effect?
> But just compare two groups that both started at Stanford around the
> time:
> Agreed that comparing google with protege to measure success of the latter
> does not seem fair
> its a different ball game, isnt it ?:-)
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-- (010)
Doug McDavid
916-549-4600 (011)
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