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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology development method

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Schiffel, Jeffrey A" <jeffrey.a.schiffel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:25:14 -0600
Message-id: <8B6A80AC2A6F7D4ABBEB7BFD3C3B8E1E65435C723E@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

-----Original Message-----
From: John F. Sowa    (01)

Don and Jeff,    (02)

You certainly know more about the developments of the OODA loop than I do.  My 
main interest is its relationship to Peirce's cycle of perception, reasoning, 
and action.  The extension to social interactions and process management brings 
in a much wider range of issues.    (03)

-----    (04)

John,    (05)

My intent was also to show that the OODA loop illustrates reacting to the 
environment. I believe it has a semiotic underpinning, in that OODA looping, 
especially "fast transients," without prior experience. That  allows for 
immediate perception by better reading of signs. As you stated, it enables a 
set of pre-planned reactions. This, in turn, frees up the mind for analysis. So 
we have induction, abduction, and deduction all together. Doesn't this have a 
lot in common with Peircean semiotics and reasoning?    (06)

-- Jeff Schiffel    (07)

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