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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology development method

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 12:17:09 -0500
Message-id: <4B0D6695.2010109@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Don and Jeff,    (01)

You certainly know more about the developments of the OODA loop
than I do.  My main interest is its relationship to Peirce's cycle
of perception, reasoning, and action.  The extension to social
interactions and process management brings in a much wider range
of issues.    (02)

DC> Each theater or functional four star command has a service sponsor.
 > OODA/MAPE/MAPPER are just way to describe a decision cycle. It becomes
 > a bit more complex as one goes up the food chain.    (03)

As soon as you bring in more than one individual, the number of 
interactions, dependencies, and negotiations escalate.  It becomes
a very different kind of cycle.    (04)

DC> A Mig on the tail (assuming it is within weapons range) always
 > calls for an immediate break turn. No higher cognitive function
 > required, at least until the turn is over...    (05)

That's the point I was trying to emphasize:  Peirce noted that even
a single perception requires a kind of abduction.  In my diagram of
Peirce's cycle (which I drew before I had heard of the OODA loop),
the time for each step can range from milliseconds to years:    (06)

    http://www.jfsowa.com/figs/soup5a.gif    (07)

Note that one option for the abduction phase is labeled "Extracting."
That could extract a predefined pattern of a break turn that the pilot
had drilled into his brain.  When the pilot has a few more milliseconds
to think, the abduction step could adapt a more complex pattern from
a previous encounter to the current situation.    (08)

JAS> John Boyd was familiar with, and agreed with, the Toyota Production
 > System. It embodied OODA principles (although Toyota wasn't familiar
 > with OODA per se).    (09)

Boyd had started with the high-speed variant, and Peirce had started
with more leisurely research examples.  But both were looking at the
process within a single individual.  However, both of those cycles
can be generalized to collaborative endeavors.    (010)

In any case, a diagram that fits on one slide can be useful for
a "big picture" overview.  But the details have a nasty tendency
to mess up big pictures.    (011)

John    (012)

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