Jeff, (01)
I strongly agree: (02)
JAS> My intent was also to show that the OODA loop illustrates reacting
> to the environment. I believe it has a semiotic underpinning, in that
> OODA looping, especially "fast transients," without prior experience.
> That allows for immediate perception by better reading of signs. As
> you stated, it enables a set of pre-planned reactions. This, in turn,
> frees up the mind for analysis. So we have induction, abduction, and
> deduction all together. Doesn't this have a lot in common with
> Peircean semiotics and reasoning? (03)
Yes indeed. I first learned about the OODA loop from people who saw
my slides with Peirce's cycle and commented on the similarity. (04)
John (05)
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