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Re: [ontolog-forum] new logic

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Schiffel, Jeffrey A" <jeffrey.a.schiffel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 16:13:37 -0600
Message-id: <8B6A80AC2A6F7D4ABBEB7BFD3C3B8E1E65435C7081@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
John F. Sowa wrote:     (01)

Peirce defined his "logic of pragmatism" as a cycle of induction, abduction, 
deduction, and testing -- and repeat as necessary ad infinitum.  That is 
essentially the scientific method.
Following is a diagram I drew to illustrate Peirce's cycle:    (02)

    http://www.jfsowa.com/figs/soup5a.gif    (03)

This cycle can be traversed very rapidly for quick decisions or very slowly and 
carefully for scientific research.  There is a variant called the OODA loop, 
which John Boyd developed for training fighter pilots:    (04)

    http://www.jfsowa.com/figs/oodaloop.gif    (05)

Observe corresponds to induction, orient to abduction, decide to deduction, and 
act to testing.  And the goal of the training is to analyze the problems in 
advance and to distill a set of predefined patterns that can be recalled almost 
instantly when the crisis arises.    (06)

-----------------    (07)

To which I reply:    (08)

While Boyd originally devised the OODA loop for jet fighter tactics, he later 
expanded it into a strategic doctrine. The OODA loop - 
Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action - consists of four re-entrant four 
phases, as John's diagram illustrates.     (09)

OODA looping has been widely adopted in military doctrine, especially in the US 
Marines. The idea is operate at a faster tempo than an opponent. This creates 
rapidly changing conditions that presumable make that opponent miss a reaction, 
thus losing the tempo. The resulting confusion causes a miss-reaction, which 
can be exploited.     (010)

These sorts of ideas have been around since Sun Tzu. Boyd coordinated them into 
a single, integrated theme as a way of strategic thinking, presented as a 
series of briefings from 1976 to 1996. Central to Boyd's OODA loop was an 
appreciation of the mind-space operating environment, the ability to manipulate 
the environment, employing tactics of quickness, coordination, and control of 
change.     (011)

The entirety is best understood inductively, even though, as John points out, 
the individual steps can be assigned to induction, abduction, and deduction. 
OODA looping is as much a theory of knowledge and action as it is a combat 
philosophy, and is very much at home in pragmatism and semiotics. The OODA 
sequence is applicable to strategies for information gathering, analysis, and 
decision-making in the world at large. For example, a knowledge worker making 
decisions based on complex information interactions from a variety of sources 
is one of these domains.    (012)

-- Jeff Schiffel    (013)

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